can anyone answer a  quick  question
I was making bookmarks feeds for my users chance music and picture files I put my blog url there was no tool bar I had to shut my computer down and now I got tool bar again and it makes me mad everythjime I do something it gets messed up then someone takes y ixeal and im just saying how do I get
January 26th, 2014 8:45pm


Right click the toolbar area and make sure that the toolbar is blocked:

If the settings are right, to avoid 3<sup>rd</sup> part conflict, please reset IE to default settings and re-configure the toolbar to see whats going on;

  1. Click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.
  2. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Reset.
  3. Select the Delete personal settings check box if you would like to remove browsing history, search providers, Accelerators, home pages, and InPrivate Filtering data.
  4. In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box, click Reset.
  5. When Internet Explorer finishes restoring the settings, click Close, and then click OK.
  6. Close Internet Explorer to apply changes.

If the issue still persists, lets check whether this can be caused by corrupted user profile, please test this thing in new user account and let me know the results.

Hope these could be helpful.

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January 28th, 2014 9:50am

 it didn't  work  what is the new user account
January 28th, 2014 12:49pm

I'm not understanding the question, I'm going to repeat this to what I think you are trying to express to us.

You book marking feeds for users, What users your computer users or the world users?

This was pictures, music, chance, What do you mean by chance?

There was no toolbar!, What toolbar, a toolbar you created or a automatic tool bar that was installed by an installer?

You put your URL in there? Where is there? the toolbar and how did you do this?

So I'm assuming you created a tool bar, used for feeds folder,  the url was put into the feeds. The url directed users to your Pictures, music, chance folders.

Ok if i'm understanding correctly you need to give permission for users to gain access to these folders, if you want to share these folders to the public read the link below.

Problem two, the tool bar disappears, if you did not give this toolbar permission for all users it will not show up in a different user desktoop, public will not be able to access content of this folder.

Right Click on your tool bar

Click on Open folder

Right Click on folder

Select properties

Choose Security

In users and groups, if there in not a user name of "USERS", "EVERYONE" you will need to apply users to the groups and everyone. To gain access to the tool bar. You may even need to select a certain user name for this tool bar to show up in that users desktop. I am not even sure it that will apply the tool bar to users desktop.

  • Edited by colakid 11 hours 11 minutes ago
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January 28th, 2014 7:38pm

 I was trying to not have a toolbar on my screen but  I have a old widget that I made  by   old computer netscape downloading files and I was placing them places I didn't know what they were or if they were empty then I made several and I opened them with Mozilla and I used  stationary in Mozilla and Microsoft so   I combined  my chance folder to the leaves file and got a htm but don't know if I should change it to html I got a service configuration and the contract is  walkin the dog outside chance it goes to my website and got app running local and roaming I had a user name on my computer he gave me the computer and ive had it for about a year so  I thought I didn't know what I was doing was just trying to do something if the world wanted to surf by bookmarks and feeds  without toolbar for a new intewrnet youd make it I just want it for the users that is on my computer which I think is none I got search connectersbut they don't work they search my internet im not take classes so I don't know I just go move files and  see what happens I like it and feel like if somebody wanted to start internet youd take a cople people from my book marks to do this and  they all wopuldsnt be shortcuts to intrernet so I guess other people thought of thios and nobody wants to do it but also you could sell    things that you put in your computer that has websites its just my ideal and if I could create it id make subfolders so there like that I put url somewhere in exporting and importing feeds but not sure what I done I   don't know so thought if you could design personal inrternets for people who enjoy it the way they want it some people might want something different I hope I make sense and you will give me some advice if you have some
January 28th, 2014 9:29pm

 and wanted to add im sorry for my troble  because im not sure and should have kept everything to myself but didn't want dillusions I don't know what to ask so im  going to sleep I thought if I could  work off line to users searching book marks that would be good but I don't know about that I don't know because I don't know if www1 is a asktoolbar so im going to go do something else I wanted to say  I don't know what the c means and if there was bookmarking  internet we wouldn't need provider   that's what  I never thought about or wasn't important and  I had ideas but I talk about them then I don't know  what I think  I don't know   I feel better
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January 28th, 2014 9:52pm

 and I made 2 groups walkin the dog and chance but wasn't aloud  to join now I joined a  group and pictures and  music     thye can see if thye want  but don't know who I can see and thought why cant they see my book marks and other stuff im   just like to know I don't know and I thought I don't know because people searching my files sees my pictures and I don't think im a example im going to  try to get some sleep and I don't think anybody will answer because you got my reply  
January 28th, 2014 10:30pm

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